❤️ Click here: Cat ballou köln
Et gitt dausend schöne Leeder En jedem stich jet Wohres dren Doch et geiht unendlich wigger Denn et es nie zo off gesaht Et gitt kei Wood, dat sage künnt, Wat ich föhl, wann ich an Kölle denk Wann ich an ming Heimat denk! The world-champion started playing in 1. This is the reason why I wanted to create a song that conveys this feeling.
The world-champion started playing in 1. This is where he started his professional career and competed 169 times for his hometown team. Cologne is and remains his true love. The world-champion started playing in 1.
Cat Ballou - The world-champion started playing in 1.
The song is a musical declaration of love from a group of passionate residents of Cologne: the rapper Mo-Torres, the band Cat Ballou and soccer idol Lukas Podolski. Han mich immer noch nit satt gehürt An kölsche Leeder un dem Schmuh vum Rhing Han mich immer noch nit satt gesinn An all dä Hüüscher un dem Dom Doch ich kann nit sage, wat mich hee häld Et gitt kei Wood, dat sage künnt, Wat ich föhl, wann ich an Kölle denk Wann ich an ming Heimat denk! These people are far away from their native city and still have this love of Cologne inside. The result really caught on with fans: Within a week the video had more than a million clicks on YouTube and the song landed in the singles charts as the best German newcomer. This is where he started his professional career and competed 169 times for his hometown team. Et gitt dausend schöne Leeder En jedem stich jet Wohres dren Doch et geiht unendlich wigger Denn et es nie zo off gesaht Et gitt kei Wood, dat sage künnt, Wat ich föhl, wann ich an Kölle denk Wann ich an ming Heimat denk! Cologne is and remains his true love. But I wanted to give a glimpse into the neighborhoods and show the daily life - Cologne is a colorful, motley place, and that is as much a defining aspect of the city as the cathedral. This is the reason why I wanted to create a song that conveys this feeling. And that is where I recognize how strong the connection to our home is. The world-champion started playing in 1.